As an 8-year old child I remember owning a flathead screwdriver which I used to pry open my battery operated toys held together by phillips head screws. I have vivid memories of forcing the screwdriver into the plastic seams as they turned white, often times slipping and jabbing myself but undeterred to satisfy my curiosity. As the pieces broke off to expose the inner workings, I'd peek inside with great anticipation to finally solve the mystery that caused the arms to turn and the wheels to spin.
It was the impetus to what I do today–bringing visual clarity to companies that manufacture, service, and maintain products and equipment. I can't promise an aspirational or sexy brand. But I can promise trust building between you and your viewership because you don't just make the claim. You're willing to show it.
Edison is the founder of Move Foundry and a 3D modeler & animator, motion graphics, and motion picture artist. Through immersive and visually stunning presentations, he captivate audiences, allowing them to grasp and appreciate engineering processes, products, and manufacturing.